

Our membership records date back to April 2006 so Hackney U3A has been active for nearly 20 years.

We currently have around 250 members. Details of activities can be found on the Groups and Events pages.

We hold a Monthly Meeting on the third Tuesday of each month from 11:00 to 13:00 in Homerton Library. There is a talk on a subject of interest to members and an opportunity to meet and socialise with other members.  Tea, coffee and light refreshments served.

In February 2021, we were interviewed for Hackney Social Radio and you can listen to the clip by clicking the following link - HU3A on Hackney Social Radio. Our feature on the programme starts about 28 minutes in.

Annual membership runs until the end of 31 August and the subscription rate for this year is £12 for membership and £16 if you wish to receive the National Magazine “Third Age Matters” which is posted to you 5 times a year.

The annual fee covers payment for the capitation fee to the National U3A and costs for Beacon and our Website. If you already belong to another U3A, your Hackney U3A membership subscription is £8.00 (reduced by the National U3A Capitation Fee). Two people at the same address can choose to pay £12 each or £28 for both and receive the National Magazine “Third Age Matters”.

By joining Hackney U3A you also have access to resources and events organised by the London Region of U3As and other U3A materials. We have included some useful links to resources available from the National U3A and London Region of U3As on the U3A page.

We hope that this introduction has been of interest to you and if you would like to join Hackney U3A, please fill in the Membership Application Form. We very much welcome new members.

If you have any questions, please go to our Contact page, enter your question or query and select to whom to send your message; or contact us on the U3A mobile number 07719 922419.